Control over your grain bins shouldn’t stop when you leave the actual bin site. We developed the Shivvers Link and Auto-Bin™ remote grain management systems to enable the oversight of your drying operation from anywhere with internet access. For Shivvers Link access, log on to your portal with a smartphone, PC or tablet and take advantage of the ultimate “No Babysitting” experience.

While some competitive systems allow remote monitoring capabilities, the Shivvers Link Remote Management System takes the concept to its natural conclusion, adding remote control for both your drying and storage bins. And with Auto-Bin, you can build the exact package for your operation’s needs, like grain moisture testers and automated controls.

Continue below to learn more about the Link management system, or jump to the bottom for details on the Auto-Bin Grain Bin Monitoring Systems.

Diagram of Shivvers Link Remote Grain Management System | Shivvers

Varying Levels of Connectivity—How Link Remote Management Works

Each Link Remote Management System interfaces with your drying system’s central Command Center for the wireless transmission of bin data. Once Link’s remote functionality is enabled, a secure online account is created for your drying system. This account serves as a remote portal for your drying system, accessible from your phone or computer as long as you have internet. 

Shivvers Premier command center | Shivvers
Shivvers CompuDry Command Center | Shivvers

CompuDry + Link

Drying Operation Monitoring

Stay connected with your grain dryer using CompuDry + Link. You can monitor dryer operation and review historical dryer readings anywhere you have internet access.

Installation: Retrofits to CompuDry Command Centers


  • Remotely monitor drying operation
  • View ambient and relative humidity at bin site
  • Automatic text alerts when alarms are triggered
  • Access historical data on digital ticker tape
  • Does not require landline internet connection
  •  First year of service included

Premier + Link

Drying Operation Monitoring AND Control

Get back into the field without losing control of your drying system. The PremierLink system takes you to the next level by adding remote control functionality, with all the intuitive monitoring capabilities of LINK.

Installation: Standard on Premier Command Centers


  • Remotely monitor and control drying operation
  • View ambient and relative humidity at bin site
  • Automatic text alerts when alarms are triggered
  • Access historical data on digital ticker tape
  • Does not require landline internet connection
  • First year of service included
Shivvers CompuDry TS Command Center | Shivvers
Shivvers Premier Command Center | Shivvers
Shivvers Premier command center | Shivvers

Auto-Bin™ by Shivvers Technology & Innovation Group

If you’re interested in fully remote monitoring for your stored grain, consider an Auto-Bin™ grain bin monitoring system from Shivvers Technology & Innovation group. With several packages to choose from, precise and effortless control is at your fingertips. Explore the available packages and keep tabs on every aspect of your grain storage.