
Low Level Grain Drying Box

The Low Level Grain Drying Box is used to keep the grain level between two limit switches in a grain drying bin. With grain being kept in a wet holding tank, this accessory will activate a horizontal feed auger and an inclined fill auger when the grain level in the drying bin gets low. Once the desired grain level is reached, the augers will shut off until the low level switch is triggered again.

Diaphragm LGSO (Low Grain Shut-Off)

The Diaphragm LGSO is mounted on the inside of a bin wall to detect when grain is present at a certain level. To minimize wear of the diaphragm, it is installed perpendicular to the bin wall and tilted downward; this tilt also prevents buildup of material on the diaphragm. Two small holes in the bottom of the housing allow for the necessary air movement to ensure proper operation at all times.

Dial Thermometer & Static Pressure Gauge

Gain ease of mind by adding the Dial Thermometer & Static Pressure Gauge to the plenum area. View a reading of the actual plenum temperature to compare to the temperature shown on the Command Center confirming proper operation. Monitor back pressure in the plenum area, which can be important depending on the fan and heater combination used for your drying bin. With the static pressure gauge, you can easily determine the grain depth that provides for the optimum static pressure level to obtain the best quality, efficiency and capacity.