Continuous-Flow Transfer Auger

Heralded as one of the best in the industry, Shivvers heavy duty continuous-flow augers are designed to move hundreds of thousands of bushels of grain annually.  As grain is lifted in the bin by the center vertical auger, it is deposited in the center vertical boot.  From there, the transfer augers picks it up and further elevates it to the top of the next bin where it is dropped through a downspout into the cooling bin, or into a horizontal hopper and then transferred through the horizontal transfer auger to your additional storage bins.  

The continuous-flow transfer auger is constructed of heavy-duty flitting with a 1¼” shaft and 14 gauged galvanized tube.  It is powered by a motor ranging from 1 to 5 hp depending on the auger’s length.  A conical roof boot provides a watertight mounting between the transfer auger and drying bin roof.  All Shivvers Performance Systems are equipped with 6” or 8” continuous-flow transfer augers.  Hanger Bearing Augers are also available in 6” and 8”.  The Automatic Transfer feature is also available for multiple augers to clean out each auger so that they will not have to start full of grain.

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